Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Silhouette Lights Girls - If Your Boyfriend Painted A Silhouette Picture Of You And Him For XMAS PRESSIE?

Girls - if your boyfriend painted a silhouette picture of you and him for XMAS PRESSIE? - christmas silhouette lights

for a Christmas present. How do you respond?

My girlfriend is aware havent had a lot of money, but I have an artist / design student and I've got good ability to draw and paint, and a creative spirit, God, I thank you.

I painted a small picture of the silhouette of a picture of us, as I kissed her.

I hate it to the typical Jewellary, clothing and perfume, and thought I would try something else. I hope you like it, but asked to consider how you react when your friend or painted U-shape in a small canvas


E$ said...

Frankly, I think it's a great idea! For my part, I love when my friend what it means to me they have a meaning, or takes me to places where they can enjoy themselves without our empty wallets. She wants love ... is obviously his heart and that is more than material things mean!

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