Monday, December 7, 2009

Handbag Birthday Cake How Can I Be Sure A Coach Handbag Is Authentic?

How can I be sure a coach handbag is authentic? - handbag birthday cake

I can not wait to get a bag from my mother's birthday coach. I really do not want to pay the full sales, but I'm more concerned that no coach to be true, if I can on eBay or other negotiations can be used. Can you tell me how to be 100% sure that I have a real coach bag?


Raymond S said...

Hello. It is very difficult to find a bag to a single image. But here is the tip of the AA, if you think to come in online. EBay is probably the only place online you will receive an authentic bag. All the 'big' houses and see that you are wrong. The coach is not "big" named by anyone but approved and botique shops and none of them are online. You can find the blog from time to time when a person sells, some authentic bags, but their options are very limited.

Ebay is a really great place. Just be careful. The more numerous than the good from the bad guys on this site. Here is a link to a book "Spotting Fake Coach on Ebay" to. Even if you do not buy the book there is a registration form, which you receive a free consultation on the wrong location ... Pretty good stuff! I hope that helps! ...

Dhwani S said...

so true that C is connected in the pocket, if not true ... or inside a metal plate with the company in it ... and usually comes with papers and certificate of authenticity, if you buy a car, .. Simply go to the website, you'll find shopped, and then compare the two portfolios ..

I hope that helped

foxxy76_... said...

The gold mines have mine in a red dress label, the store manager, then it is of course is real, but since the attempt to purchase outside of eBay, do so: / how_2044771_identify ...

jessie said...

Most handbags maps of authenticity in the .... The expensive courses pockets. Go online and read Coach bags for more information on what their products and how the difference between reality and a copy.

Look Away, I'm Hideous said...

I bought my wife burst into the mall and close. Then I have your Canal Street in New York to read for about $ 30.00, I think. and makes it better. I still have.

Gabrielle's Mommy! said...

Get it from or take the bus to be 100% secure. It is risky to go to eBay, etc ... unless they offer to give your original invoice on the purchase.

Wise_GaL said...

Normally, when you buy a real designer bag, comes with authentication papers.

Daniele S said...

go to buy a Coach Store is the only positive thing that can not

Daniele S said...

go to buy a Coach Store is the only positive thing that can not

The Girl said...

the only possibility is 100% safe to buy directly coach coach bag. sorry

savannag... said...

I would this type of purchase in a store of trust me.

lilmiss_... said...

The serial number found

lilmiss_... said...

The serial number found

ricesoul said...

Who cares?, Then it sounds good

ricesoul said...

Who cares?, Then it sounds good

takeoutt... said...

Search yellow stitching

Melissa said...

Search onllne

Melissa said...

Search onllne

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