Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bike Shaped Invitations How Can I Remove A Broken U-shaped Bike Lock?

How can I remove a broken U-shaped bike lock? - bike shaped invitations

My key broke off in the castle, and I'm trying with a hell of a time, remove the blockade. I have a 32 tpi Bi-"Metal Blade and it did not work at all. It is a Kryptonite brand lock made of hardened steel. Does anyone know a way that might be able to delete the item? From my understanding, would purchase of pliers, is ineffective.


SVOMAN said...

Have you tried the seat take off? or take it to a shop silencer and ask them, they cut with a torch ..

oklatom said...

If the key is in the broken lock, but it should still turn the cylinder and thereby unlock the lock, if you use a small screwdriver and turn move the mouse.

When she refused to open anyway, good pliers would be 36 inches.

oklatom said...

If the key is in the broken lock, but it should still turn the cylinder and thereby unlock the lock, if you use a small screwdriver and turn move the mouse.

When she refused to open anyway, good pliers would be 36 inches.

jim said...

Use a grinder to. You have the power and sets Airpower. You can go through some records, but it was cut. Do not forget heavy clothing and a face mask. Break records is nothing strange.

baldie said...

Gripper cut when you get a good pair. or with a hand grinder with a cutting wheel on it.

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