Sunday, February 21, 2010

Florida Fan Company Should I Leave My Wrestling Company?

Should I leave my Wrestling Company? - florida fan company

Ok, I work for the CME does not currently hold the title and I was only 1 track this week with kidney, since the state of Florida to have known. I do not know exactly how the children in the back, and if we do not treat me well and has'nt WWE has come to seek new talent over the years.

Here are my properties:

Name: awaitin Doomz "
Weight = 277 pounds
Height = 6 foot 5
Tip: Underdog
Fan support: 65%
Heel or Face: Face

Timetable (weekly)

7 - Wake up
8 Clock - gym
9 pm - Take the bus to FCW
11h - Get Set
12 hours - lunch
2PM - Practice with the opposition party
3pm - Prepare yourself on the map
4pm - battle for the fans
6PM - stop building
7pm - Directions to Hotel
8PM - Dinner
9PM - Get unpacked
10pm - FCW with your friends
1 - Sleep

This routine happens everyday, and I am currently waiting to leave for the party now. I do not know whether to leave now because my manager and boss used to say, that always a certain amount, up to 6 months and no one treats me with respect and not on the search for WWE superstars do.

Should I quit or not?


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