Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tmj Syndrome More Condition_treatment My Jaw Constently Pops And Causes Pain In My Right Ear. Is It TMJ Syndrome?

My jaw constently pops and causes pain in my right ear. is it TMJ syndrome? - tmj syndrome more condition_treatment

The right side of my jaw is constantly and causes pain "small" in my ear and cheek. not so terribly hurt, but is a nuisance. Is TMJ syndrome?
It's been diving for about two years ago and has not really for me, but now that I discovered that the syndrome of ATM, which worries me.


Charlotte Z said...

yep that's exactly what they were there for at least 3 years

Maria R said...

Sounds like it. Get a face mask to prevent, gnashing of teeth at night. If it does not go to an oral surgeon and get great shots.

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