Friday, February 5, 2010

When Have You Felt Ashamed Have You Ever Felt Ashamed To Be From Your Country?

Have you ever felt ashamed to be from your country? - when have you felt ashamed

Have you felt ashamed as insert your nationality here ...* *...

If so, why?


Leni Duchess of Beggars said...

On numerous occasions in my life I was of the decisions of the Heads of State and Government (United States of this country have done to be ashamed), and the consequences of those decisions.

The arrogance of the country represents the world is a disgrace, and sometimes dangerous.

Since all that I still love the American people. You would not know the publication in these and many pages, but most Americans are wonderful people. Always willing to lend a hand and a huge heart.

armouror... said...

We DO Murdock to the United States of their own will, and the United States, it is thanks

I am an Australian and I am proud of the achievements of Australia fact done nothing wrong

Mistakes have been made, and the church was the main reason, but it was also the people who have given their children

I agree that Australia, as a stable country still has its APRT play in world affairs, including Iraq and Afghanistan

The angels has tickets for TO!!! said...

A few years ago, traveled with a friend on the west coast of Scotland. We looked at a Victorian castle, across the bay, when he heard someone who looked Japanese.

I was able to whisper: "When I say that * not * an American accent."

But of course it was.


jammersa... said...

No, never at a loss because I was born and raised in the USA! I love my country and for all. The things I'm ashamed that people tried in power for more power for the people and not to the same document that fight our great nation, the Constitution.

Lying GOP CLOWNS said...

would solve all the problems of the state budget DEBACKLE OF DEBT

would be regulated like alcohol and children do not receive the drug dealers ... to sell crack ....

Save money free STATES prison SPACE

more jobs will be created in a new industry ....

Marijuana is not a drug on a grid. , People who crack crack ...

POT has medicinal properties and uses that ........

Pot Men helping women ....

not dead in the pot

The powers of taxation, the Mexican POT Copon and murder

MOSFET to control economy
With a rapid pulse, for each


Bryan said...

I am American and I did not. I am ashamed of the actions of some individuals and governments, but. However, these individuals and governments are not all represented a subset.

Subject 2 Change said...

No, never ... but I am ashamed of some of the people here (U.S.). I will not name names, but most of them belong to the Republican party politics. The spread hatred makes me sick.

auriflam... said...

Apparently Japanese feel shame ...

I'd rather not hdean in Japan, the United States, even if the last place to live in this world that I wouldnt live in this hole, I thank you.

letfreed... said...

I am an American.

I was ashamed of my country when we invaded and bombed Iraq, a country that we are not attacked or threatened to attack us.

Beatle fanatic said...

Sometimes I'm through, as a "rogue state USA" Other countries and some of his embarrassing political views, but I've never been ashamed to be here!

Reporter said...

No, because the Conservatives, no matter how much, there are still good people who say, "power Fug 'em!"

tangerin... said...

I'm an American, and no. Some of my bosses and their political saddens me, but not for me to represent me and all other Americans.

Big Yoda said...

United States. Shame is too strong a word. He contradicted Bush, far away from the Kyoto agreement on climate change and a few other things.

Seaworth... said...

Yes, the United States.

The invasion and occupation.

Anonymous said...

I was ashamed that we had so many Bush voters in 2004.

xg6 said...

Yes, I have been re-elected George Bush in 2004. How can someone be so stupid?

molly said...

Yes, if Howard sent our troops in Iraq.

sdaFDSGS... said...

I'm never happy to live here, regardless of who is in the office

sdaFDSGS... said...

I'm never happy to live here, regardless of who is in the office

Ladyhawk said...

Despite all the problems, I am proud of Canada.

Anti -Silence said...

I agree with the last 6 answers!

ARBOB said...

Almost regularly since 1/20/09. Sad, very sad. I love this country, but the BO steps every time, up to a podium, but take a knot in my stomach and wonder what it means for us now. Sad, very sad.

I am of German descent and proud of it. But what has this to do with here. I am white. Is that what he meant, because nationaltiy really means a lot what your question.

hdean45 said...

I've never been ashamed of the United States, even if the people in Europe who told me what was wrong with my country, because it then tells me how they move here. Well, not my friends in Europe tell me what is wrong, because you're too busy laughing at us.

beach heaven said...

No, I've never been a shame if the United States. However embarrassing, I apologize to the President, turning on the track, ask forgiveness for the United States. It is a shame for the United States and a traitor to his oath of office.

Milk Cow said...

Not Israel?

Fat, White Russians claim to Arabs on foot


Doing porn movies in the Holy Land


Secondment of officials to China in the United States, only love is Rael

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